5 Surprising Ways You can Reduce Inflammation Now - Trending Vibe Trending Vibe

5 Surprising Ways You can Reduce Inflammation Now

If you’ve been reading popular health magazines or listening to well-loved wellness shows, you may have heard the word “inflammation” come up during several stories and conversations. This concept isn’t simply a buzzword that has received its share of attention over the years. It’s a condition that your body can stay in if you’re not taking care of yourself.

Many people think of inflammation as a particular state that your body is in after a physical, painful action triggers an external reaction that you can see. Some examples are bruising and swelling. This idea makes sense, seeing that when our bodies are on defense they inflame in some way, fighting off an infection. However, chronic inflammation is a little different.

When your body is consistently in an inflamed state, it can cause chronic inflammation. The body is essentially in a state of heightened awareness once this occurs. The immune system is fighting a perceived threat that could harm your body further if it doesn’t step in. It’s an essential part of the healing process. However, it’s not a healthy state for it to stay in consistently. Here are some surprising ways that you can start fighting inflammation now.

Manage your stress levels

Stress and anxiety are common issues that many people face each day. With a slew of responsibilities, like familial demands and work duties, many folks feel that stress is simply a part of life. Unfortunately, persistent stress has a way of catching up with us. If one endures too much stress on a consistent basis, he or she may begin to feel unhealthy.

That’s why taking the time to manage your stress during the day is important. If you’re someone who’s always “on alert”, this might feel odd at first. Start slow and think of some activities you can implement into your routine that calm you when you’re anxious. Instead of eating lunch at your computer in your cubicle at work, take a walk and enjoy dining outside. If you enjoy creative activities, consider taking time to write or paint after a long day. Before you get out of bed in the morning, think about meditating for five minutes.

Exercise regularly

When you’re not feeling well, exercising may be the last thing on your mind. Nevertheless, trying to participate in a physical activity you enjoy enough to practice each day is worth it in the long run. When you’re exercising and your muscles contract, the immune cells in your body emit a substance that has anti-inflammatory properties.

You don’t have to be an elite athlete to benefit from anti-inflammatory exercises. You don’t have to train for hours each day, either. Just stick to a consistent workout schedule that feels manageable to you. Make a calendar event that alerts you when it’s time to take a break from your work and walk each day. Instead of sitting on the sofa during a phone call, walk around the house. Make a habit of trying out one new exercise skill each week. Practice the exercise each day until you feel comfortable performing it easily.

Sleep well

Sleep is the prime time for your body to repair after a long day. This is the period at night when your body is ready to restore and heal. Unfortunately, many people skip out on quality sleep, choosing to stay awake late into the night to do just about anything. Whether that’s working on their computer, watching a television show or scrolling through their social media feed, all of these activities get in the way of good sleep that the body desperately needs to stay healthy.

When the body is starved of good, quality sleep, it can become inflamed. Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night. To get better sleep, decide when you will turn off all the lights and devices in your home, and go to bed. Stick to this schedule each day. Also, wake up at the same time each day. It may take some time to get used to, but it will be worth it.

Change your diet

When it comes to cutting down on the inflammation in your body, look no further than the culprit on your dinner plate! Plenty of people are eating junk foods that aren’t giving them the nutrients their body craves throughout the day. When it’s time to grocery shop again, pay attention to what goes into the grocery cart. Are you buying healthy foods that nourish your mind and body each week?

Processed foods can cause inflammation. Consider what you’re eating during each meal. As a rule, steer clear of fried foods, sugary foods and packaged foods. Instead of eating artificial and highly processed food items, make sure you’re eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Replace refined carbohydrates with complex ones. Introduce beans, nuts, and whole grains into your diet.

Cut out the bad vices

If you’re struggling with inflammation, chances are you’ll want to look at how you’re dealing with the stress of daily life. To loosen up and have a good time, some folks drink excessive amounts of alcohol and smoke cigarettes. Drinking lots of alcohol and smoking cigarettes may be a way to cope with the stress of inflammatory symptoms. This may be a short-term solution to feel better and lessen stress and pain, but it won’t improve your health.

This is the time to quit smoking and stop drinking excessively. Consider limiting or cutting out your alcohol consumption entirely. If you’re having a problem quitting cigarette smoking or limiting alcoholic drinks, talk to your doctor about how he or she can help you.

Don’t let inflammation interfere with your life. If your long-term chronic inflammation continues, it may lead to depression, diabetes, heart disease or even cancer. Create a plan to start these good habits and stop inflammation for good. As always, speak with your doctor if you have any concerns about your diet, sleep or exercise habits.

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