What’s Your Love Language According To Astrology - Trending Vibe Trending Vibe

What’s Your Love Language According To Astrology

How do you say I love you? What is your love language? In order to be able to give and receive love, we have to know for ourselves what makes us feel loved. Likewise, when we are in a relationship, it’s important to understand that just because we prefer a certain way of being loved doesn’t mean that our partners want love in the same way. The following is an overview of the five love languages as depicted by Dr. Gary Chapman in his 1992 book The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate with an astrological twist.

What Are The Five Love Languages
Before we get into which zodiac signs correspond to the five love languages, here is a brief overview of the five love languages so that you can get an idea of what they are, and how they relate to the zodiac signs.

Words of Affirmation-These are the people who love hearing words of affection, praise, and acknowledgment from their partners. Example: “I love you, good job, you are amazing.”

Acts of Service-These are the “actions speak louder than words” people. Love is shown via actions, so it’s all about what you do instead of what you say. Example: “Taking out the trash, buying your favorite deodorant, cooking a favorite meal.”

Gift Giving-These people love receiving and giving tokens of affection. It is important for these individuals to know for sure that the people they are in love with genuinely care about them so that they don’t feel like they’re being taken advantage of due to their propensity to show love through material things. Example: “You bought me this bracelet, I love it.”

Quality Time-These folks want their partner to actually spend time with them. While a gift is nice, words are lovely, and acts of service are sweet, a partner that takes out time to engage and be with them is highly preferred.

Physical Touch-These individuals want the physical closeness of their partner. From cuddling to being in their presence to having an active intimate life, touch is deeply valued.

Aries-Words of Affirmation & Quality Time
When it comes to the fiery, self-starting Aries, they enjoy hearing that they are the best. Aries really get off on hearing that they’re number one, and due to their competitive Mars nature, the idea that you are vying for their attention by seeking them and wanting to be with them makes them feel wanted and acknowledged.

Taurus-Physical Touch & Gift Giving
As the most sensual sign of the zodiac, Taurus loves being touched as it activates their senses and makes them feel secure. Likewise, as an earth sign, Taurus loves their possessions so receiving quality gifts is definitely desired. If you can combine pleasing all of Taurus’ senses while making sure that they feel acknowledged with a gift here and there, Taurus will feel secure and solid.

Gemini-Words of Affirmation & Quality Time
It should come as no surprise that Gemini is all about their words of affirmation and quality time. Being Mercury-ruled, they just love to have conversations with their partners, and their inquisitive nature requires a partner that is willing to get out and connect with others. They love being able to have someone that they can talk to and spend time with on a regular basis as it fuels them.

Cancer-Quality Time & Words of Affirmation
Sentimental Cancer is all about establishing emotional bonds which is why spending quality time and expressing emotional connection through words is important. Cancer is the nurturing, caring sign of the zodiac, so they like the reciprocity of taking care and being cared for. This is also a sign that really loves hearing “I love you” with a warm hug.

Leo-Gift Giving & Acts of Service
As a fire sign that loves the spotlight, Leo definitely likes to be shown that they are loved with adoration and affection. Leo really appreciates partners who understand their exceptional taste and are willing to invest in them by buying them gifts, taking them to nice dinners, and allowing them to be seen in all their glory. In turn, Leo will make sure that they are definitely their fabulous self so that their partners can feel like they definitely have a gem on their arm.

Virgo-Acts of Service & Quality Time
As a practical earth sign, Virgo is not showy when it comes to love. They would much rather receive love in a useful way. From taking out the trash to making sure they have their favorite smoothie powder, it is these little things that Virgo appreciates. Also, because Virgo is always trying to better themselves, they want a partner that adds to their lived experience in a positive manner.

Libra-Words of Affirmation & Gifts
As an air sign, Libra is always balancing itself with the other. In fact, some say that Libra often feels incomplete unless they are in a relationship. Being Venus-ruled, Libra wants to be perceived well in the eyes of their partner which is why words of affirmation are ideal. Also, Libra does love nice, refined things, so they are quite happy when their partners notice their exceptional tastes and gift accordingly.

Scorpio-Physical Touch & Quality Time
For Scorpio, this deep, intimate sexy sign values physical touch and quality time. Building intimacy is very important to Scorpio, and it gives them a chance to experience a deep, soul-bonding connection with someone that they truly care about and trust. So, forming these deep emotional, spiritual bonds where intimacy is used for transformation and healing requires lots of space for quality time and physical touch.

Sagittarius-Gift Giving & Quality Time
With its Jupiter rulership, Sagittarius wants to have a love that is expressive of its joy of life and abundance. For this reason, they enjoy giving gifts and receiving them in return. They definitely appreciate lots of travel, so a trip to some far-off locale definitely makes their heart swoon. More than anything, Sagittarius truly enjoys being able to share their love of life with someone special. When they find someone with whom they can spend quality time and who is just as faithful and optimistic as they are, they feel loved.

Capricorn-Quality Time & Acts of Service
As a serious earth sign, Capricorn gives and receives love in a tangible manner. Acts of service and making themselves available to their partners aligns with their responsible nature. From something as small as making sure bills are paid to helping their partners gain professional success, it makes Capricorn feel good to know that their partners are well taken care of. Because Capricorn isn’t the most emotional sign outwardly, they do appreciate having someone around who is willing to show how much they care through the little things.

Aquarius-Acts of Service & Words of Affirmation
As the zodiac’s humanitarian, Aquarius wants a partner that truly likes their uniqueness and eccentricities. For this reason, Aquarius appreciates the validation of its uniqueness from its partners with words. Likewise, because Aquarius is humanitarian, they enjoy a partner that is willing to show with their actions that they care for them since they aren’t necessarily the most emotive or touchy-feely.

Pisces-Quality Time & Acts of Service
The deeply compassionate and empathetic Pisces really wants to know that their lover is their soulmate. While material things are nice and words are pleasant, Pisces prefers love that is expressed through action and quality time. Something as simple as listening to music together or allowing Pisces to share their latest spiritual discoveries and/or creative outlet is definitely will make Pisces feel acknowledged and loved.

So, what is your love language based on your zodiac sign? For a thorough analysis of your love language, make sure to check out your sun, moon, Venus, and Mars signs to get a more comprehensive view of how you prefer to love and be loved.

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