10 Reasons Why People Love True Crime - Trending Vibe Trending Vibe

10 Reasons Why People Love True Crime

True crime podcasts and television shows have become extremely popular over the last several years, but some may wonder if it’s psychologically healthy for people to consume such violent content. While watching and listening to shows about true crime may run the risk of retraumatizing victims, it can also help us have a greater sense of control regarding the world around us.

An interest in true crime is entirely normal and may serve a purpose in helping to provide a sense of security in otherwise troubling times.

An Interest in True Crime Is Common

If you think there must be something psychologically wrong with you because you’re interested in true crime, think again. Fascination with true crime is common and serves various healthy psychological purposes.

Of course, like everything else, there is a limit on what is and isn’t a healthy amount of true crime to consume. If you find yourself preoccupied with shows and podcasts and it’s becoming challenging to tend to your daily obligations, you may want to seek help.

An overconsumption of true crime can also cause psychological distress and an increase in fear that the crime rate is worse than it is.

The Propensity for People To Commit Evil Acts Is Fascinating

It can be difficult for us to fathom what might make someone decide to commit heinous acts of crime and murder. However, true crime shows allow us a unique opportunity to glimpse into the mind of criminals.

There is a general fascination with “good versus evil,” and this interest often starts in early childhood. In general, we want to discover the answers to why people kill for several reasons. The overriding reason is to keep ourselves and our families safe.

If we can better understand and learn how to identify a potentially dangerous situation or person, our confidence in keeping our loved ones safe rises. In addition, humans are curious beings and want to learn more about the many paths that psychopathy can take.

People Continuously Receive Exposure to Grisly News Stories

While there is a general biological component to our fascination with crime, our exposure to grisly news stories has grown exponentially thanks to the media. A common theme among news outlets is that “If it bleeds, it leads.”

As a result, many news stations choose to cover violent crimes instead of tamer headlines. Plus, with twenty-four hour news available seven days a week, it can be difficult to avoid them.

The news also continuously provides viewers with updates on criminal cases, so we become invested in finding a resolution for the victims and their families.

It’s Difficult To Look Away From Tragedy

Anyone whose ever driven by the scene of a horrific crash knows how difficult it can be to look away. This same principle rings true with our consumption of true crime media. For example, many people are interested in serial killers, especially if they are still on the run.

This preoccupation with criminals highlights our society’s general fascination with violence. It’s challenging to separate crime from civilization. Some psychologists and researchers believe that a certain amount of crime may be necessary for society to function.

Renowned Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud proposed that criminals fulfill a specific function in society. The general population must know the exact details of offenses committed and how criminals receive punishment within the justice system.

In other words, we want to know that the criminal pays for their crimes and that the sentence fits their actions.

True Crime Prepares Us for Potentially Dangerous Encounters

Reading about and watching true crime may serve another essential purpose. People usually assess their risk of falling victim, and consuming true crime may help them feel better prepared to keep themselves and their families safe.

Women particularly enjoy this genre, and this may be due to their heightened sense of vulnerability. Many psychologists believe this interest is because they are learning new tips on how to stay safe and increase their chances of surviving a violent encounter.

By understanding who is most likely to become a murderer, how crimes occur, and how criminals choose their victims, people can learn how to avoid becoming a victim too.

Our Fascination With True Crime Might Serve an Evolutionary Purpose

Evolutionarily, people have grown to pay better attention to things that may be harmful. It’s the same reason we have developed better ways to warn people of impending severe weather or tsunamis.

Our ancestors, who remained aware of the dangers around them, were likelier to leave more descendants because they could escape such situations. Therefore, we are more likely to stay safe during dangerous incidents by heightening our awareness of the threats around us.

We Are Thankful That We Are Not the Victim nor the Perpetrator

There is more to our fascination with crime than just morbid curiosity. Inherently, whenever we hear about a violent act, we breathe a sigh of relief that we are neither the criminal nor the victim. Watching true crime and feeling lucky isn’t necessarily sadistic.

Instead, true crime provides the perfect opportunity to experience empathy and compassion for the victim. Sometimes, people extend a bit of sympathy for the perpetrator too.

We may find ourselves relieved that we can control our impulses and aggressive tendencies, unlike criminals who choose to commit acts of violence.

People Like Trying To Solve Mysteries

Humans enjoy solving puzzles, whether they’re crosswords, word searches, or cracking a murder mystery. Solving mysteries allows us to exercise our cognitive skills and think outside the box. People also exercise their minds by playing “armchair detective.”

Social media has helped produce a culture of “amateur sleuths” who attempt to solve crimes before the investigators can. Because people have an intense need for justice and closure, they have extra motivation to solve such cases as soon as possible.

We Can Process and Manage Our Fear Through True Crime

For some people struggling with trauma, exposure to true crime can be a healthy way to process their feelings in a safe, controlled environment. Victims of crime or traumatic events often feel a sense of powerlessness, which shatters their sense of safety.

In addition, trauma can cause a person to experience disassociation, which is the brain’s effort to protect them from reliving the event. Unfortunately, dissociation often gets in the way of recovery. However, careful exposure to true crime can allow them to process their emotions and heal from their past trauma.

People Enjoy Good Storytelling

Universally, humans enjoy a great story. After all, one of the most beloved ways to spend a camping trip is telling spooky tales while roasting marshmallows near the campfire. These stories often have a satisfying ending, with a resolution that provides closure.

While some true crime stories end with the case remaining unsolved, many do come to some conclusion. In addition, the central theme of true crime is a “good versus evil” narrative, with the investigators often solving the cases in the end. T

his outcome provides the reassurance that, no matter what, the goodness of humanity will always triumph over the few evil-doers who try to disrupt our sense of safety.

Whether you enjoy the puzzle-solving components of true crime stories or value great storytelling, appreciating this genre is nothing to be concerned about.

In fact, true crime may provide you with the chance to reinforce your sense of morality while deepening your understanding of what makes criminals tick without risking your sense of safety.

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